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Pushyabhutis of Thanesar

Pushyabhutis of Thanesar

  1. The Genealogy of the Pushyabhuti dynasty begins with the name of which of the following Kings?


Ans: Naravardhana

  1. The Pushyabhuti dynasty is another name for the __ dynasty.


Ans: Vardhana

  1. Which of the following Pushyabhutis ruler assumed the title of Parambhattaraka Maharajadhiraja?

Harsha Vardhan
Prabhakar Vardhan

Ans: Prabhakar Vardhan

  1. Which among the following was the capital city of Pushyabhuti dynasty?

None of the above

Ans: Thanesvar

  1. With the commencement of the 7th century, who ascended the throne of Thaneshwar and Kannauj?

Rajendra Chola I
ChandraGupta II

Ans: Harshavardhana

  1. __ was the founder of Vardhan dynasty

Prabhakara Vardhana

Ans: Pushyabhuti

The Vardhana Dynasty is also known as Pusyabhuti Dynasty. Pushyabhuti is considered to be the founder of this dynasty. Prabhakar Vardhana was the first notable king of the Vardhana Dynasty. The dynasty reached its glory under the last king of this dynasty, Harshavardhana.

  1. Grant of land by ‘Sanad’ was started by:


Ans: Harshvardhan

  1. Which of the following King from the Vardhana Kingdom conquered the maximum part of Rajasthan?

Prabhakar Vardhna
Mahasen Gupta

Ans: Prabhakar Vardhna

  1. Who was the fourth king of the Pushyabhuti dynasty?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Rajya Vardhana
C. Prabhakar Vardhana
D. Grahavarman

Ans: C. Prabhakar Vardhana

  1. Who established the foundations of the Pushyabhuti dynasty?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Rajya Vardhana
C. Prabhakar Vardhana
D. Grahavarman

Ans: C. Prabhakar Vardhana

  1. Who did Prabhakar Vardhana’s daughter Rajyashri marry?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Rajya Vardhana
C. Shashanka
D. Grahavarman

Ans: D. Grahavarman

  1. Who killed Rajya Vardhana?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Prabhakar Vardhana
C. Shashanka
D. Grahavarman

Ans: C. Shashanka

  1. Who ruled from c. 606−647 CE?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Rajya Vardhana
C. Prabhakar Vardhana
D. Grahavarman

Ans: A. Harsha Vardhana

  1. Which of the following statements about King Harshavardhana are correct?

a. He belonged to the Maukhari dynasty
b. He was defeated by Pulakesin II
c. Ban, Mayura and Matanga Divakara were the famous writers at his court
d. Harsha himself wrote three plays – Ratnavali, Priyadarshika and Nagamanjari

Ans: B, C, and D

  1. Which of the following is NOT correct regarding king Harshavardhana?

Harshavardhana ruled nearly about 1400 years ago
Xuan Zang spent a lot of time at Harsha’s court
Harshavardhana’s court poet was Harishena
Harshacharita is a biography written on Harshavardhana

Ans: Harshavardhana’s court poet was Harishena

  1. King Harshvardhan established a large center of knowledge which was called as ‘Bhadra-Vihar’ at


Ans: Kannauj

  1. Which one of the following books was authored by Harshavardhana?


Ans: Ratnavali

  1. Which of the following statements islare correct about Harshavardhana?
    • He belonged to the Pushyabhuti dynasty.
    • Fa-Hien a Chinese pilgrim visited Harsha’s court.
    • The capital of his Empire was Pataliputra.

Ans: 1. He belonged to the Pushyabhuti dynasty.

  1. Which of the following plays were written by Harshavardhan?
    • Priyadarsika
    • Ratanavali
    • Nagananda

Ans: 1, 2, 3

  1. Harsha moved his capital from _ to

Thanesar, Kanauj
Delhi, Deogiri
Kamboj, Kanauj
Valabhi, Delhi

Ans: Thanesar, Kanauj

  1. King Shashanka, against whom Harshvardhana declared war, was a ruler of the __ kingdom.


Ans: Gauda

  1. Which king of the Pushyabhuti dynasty was also known as Sakalottarapathanatha?


Ans: Harshavardhana

Maukhari ruler Grahavarman.

  1. Who was Harsha Vardhana?

A. The last great Hindu king of India
B. A Buddhist king of India
C. The lord of the south
D. A Shaiva king of India

Ans: A and D

  1. What religion did Harsha Vardhana originally follow?

A. Buddhism
B. Shaivism
C. Jainism
D. Sikhism

Ans: B. Shaivism

  1. What religion did Harsha Vardhana support to a great extent and made generous endowments to?

A. Buddhism
B. Shaivism
C. Jainism
D. Sikhism

Ans: A. Buddhism

  1. What was Harsha Vardhana also described as?

A. The lord of the south
B. The lord of the east
C. The lord of the west
D. The lord of the north

Ans: D. The lord of the north

  1. What was the reign period of Harsha Vardhana?

A. c. 506−547 CE
B. c. 606−647 CE
C. c. 706−747 CE
D. c. 806−847 CE

Ans: B. c. 606−647 CE

  1. King Harshavardhana ascended the throne of Thaneshwar and Kannauj on the death of his brother,_


Ans: Rajyavardhana

  1. Who succeeded Prabhakar Vardhana initially?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Rajya Vardhana
C. Devagupta
D. Shashanka

Ans: B. Rajya Vardhana

  1. Who undertook a campaign against the ruler of Malwa, Devagupta and Shashanka, the ruler of Gauda?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Rajya Vardhana
C. Prabhakar Vardhana
D. Grahavarman

Ans: A. Harsha Vardhana

  1. Who ascended the throne after Rajya Vardhana was killed by Shashanka?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Devagupta
C. Prabhakar Vardhana
D. Grahavarman

Ans: A. Harsha Vardhana

  1. Who rescued Rajyashri, who was believed to be on the verge of committing Sati?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Rajya Vardhana
C. Prabhakar Vardhana
D. Grahavarman

Ans: A. Harsha Vardhana

  1. Who defeated Shashanka and extended his control over parts of Kongoda in Orissa?

A. Harsha Vardhana
B. Rajya Vardhana
C. Prabhakar Vardhana
D. Grahavarman

Ans: A. Harsha Vardhana

  1. Which place came under the sovereignty of Pushyabhutis after Harsha rescued his sister?

A) Malwa
B) Gauda
C) Kannauj
D) Kongoda

Ans: C) Kannauj

  1. At what age did Harsha ascend the throne?

A) Sixteen
B) Eighteen
C) Twenty
D) Twenty-two

Ans: A) Sixteen

  1. Who killed Devagupta?

A) Harsha Vardhana
B) Rajya Vardhana
C) Shashanka
D) Grahavarman

Ans: B) Rajya Vardhana

Devagupta and Shashanka, the ruler of Gauda, who had imprisoned their sister Rajyashri and killed her husband Grahavarman.

  1. Who ascended the throne after Rajya Vardhana was killed by Shashanka?

A) Harsha Vardhana
B) Prabhakar Vardhana
C) Grahavarman
D) Devagupta

Ans: A) Harsha Vardhana

  1. Shiladitya is the title of which Indian king?


Ans: Harshvardhana

  1. Who among the following usurped power in Kanyakubja after the death Harshavardhana?


Ans: Arunashva

  1. Which regions did Harsha bring under his control during his reign?

A) Punjab, Kannauj, Bengal, Orissa, Mithila
B) Punjab, Assam, Bengal, Orissa, Sindh
C) Punjab, Kannauj, Taxila, Sindh, Mithila
D) Asmaka, Kannauj, Sindh, Orissa, Mithila

Ans: A) Punjab, Kannauj, Bengal, Orissa, Mithila

  1. Who defeated Harsha on the banks of Narmada?

A) Dhruvasena II
B) Pulkesin II
C) The ruler of Sindh
D) Xuanzang

Ans: B) Pulkesin II

  1. What title was bestowed upon Harsha by Pulkesin II?

A) Siladitya
B) Sakalauttarapathanatha
C) Lord of the entire north
D) Both B and C

Ans: D) Both B and C

  1. Who mentioned Harsha’s victories in their travel records?

Hiuen Tsang
Sun Shuyun

Ans: C) Xuanzang (Hsuan Tsang)

  1. Harshavardhan’s Vallabhi conquest is found in which of the following inscriptions?

Aihole Pillar Inscription
Junagadh Inscription
Navsari Copperplate Inscription
Damodarpur copper plate Inscription

Ans: Navsari Copperplate Inscription

He was victorious against the ruler of Sindh in the north west and also defeated the Vallabhi king, Dhruvasena II, as mentioned in the Nausasi copper plate inscription.

  1. Bhaskaravarman of the Varman dynasty ruled in the __ region.


Ans: Kamarupa

  1. Which of the following rulers Kings Harsha allied to fight a war against Sasanka?

King Prabhakaravardhana of Sthaneshvara
Bhaskaravarman, the Kamarupa king
Chalukya king, Pulakesin II
None of the above

Ans: Bhaskaravarman, the Kamarupa king

  1. Who among the following Chinese travellers visited the Kingdoms of Harsrhavardhana and Kumar Bhaskar Varma?

Hiuen Tsang
Sun Shuyun

Ans: Hiuen Tsang

  1. Who wrote the book ‘Shi-Yu-Ki’ after visiting Harshavardhana court?

Pu Songling
Zhang Ping

Ans: Hiuen-Tsang

  1. For which of the following kingdoms king Vallabhi and king Harsha fought for?

Bihar, Bengal, Odisha
None of the above

Ans: Gujarat

Harsha also defeated the Vallabhi king in Gujarat. (The Vallabhi king and Harsha came to a truce by a marriage between Harsha’s daughter and the Vallabhi king Dhruvabhata.)
After Sasanka’s death, Harsha annexed Bengal, Bihar, and Odisha.
Chalukya king, Pulakesin II defeated Harsha in 618-619 A.D. This sealed Harsha’s southern territorial limit as the Narmada River.

  1. Which of the following ruler was defeated by Harshavardhana?

Pulakesin II
Dhuruvasena II
Narsimhavarman I

Ans: Dhuruvasena II

Dhuruvasena II was a ruler of the Maitraka dynasty which ruled in western India.
The Maitraka dynasty was founded by Bhatarka. The capital of the dynasty was in Vallabhi.
Dhuruvasena II ruled the dynasty from 627-641 CE and became a vassal after his defeat to Harshavardhana.

  1. Who worshipped the golden statue of the Buddha that was constructed for the grand assembly?

A) Hsuan Tsang
B) Harsha
C) Dhuruvasena
D) Nandi Vardhana

Ans: B) Harsha

  1. Who attended the grand assembly at Kannauj in 643 CE?

A) Representatives of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism
B) Various subordinate kings including those of Vallabhi and Assam
C) Hsuan Tsang
D) All of the above

Ans: D) All of the above

  1. Who is known as the Prince of Travelers and author of Si-Yu-Ki?

Hsuan Tsang
Zhang Ping

Ans: Hsuan Tsang

  1. When did Hsuan Tsang visit India?

A) 629–644 CE
B) 643 – 692 CE
C) 629 – 650 CE
D) 644 – 662 CE

Ans: A) 629–644 CE

  1. What event did Hsuan Tsang give a detailed account of?

A) A grand assembly held at Kannauj in 643 CE
B) The construction of a huge tower with a golden statue of the Buddha
C) The discourses on Mahayana doctrines
D) All of the above

Ans: D) All of the above

  1. What is the name of the festival that Harsha celebrated at Prayag every five years?

A) Mahamoksha
B) solemn
C) Priyadarshika
D) Ratnavali

Answer: B

  1. Which of the following works of Harsha is based on Bodhisattva Jimutavahana?

A) Nagananda
B) Priyadarshika
C) Ratnavali
D) Madhuban

Ans: A) Nagananda

  1. Which of the following images were worshipped by Harsha?

A) The Buddha, the Sun and Shiva
B) The Buddha, the Moon and Vishnu
C) The Buddha, the Sun and Brahma
D) The Buddha, the Moon and Shiva

Ans: A) The Buddha, the Sun and Shiva

  1. Which of the following inscriptions contain Harsha’s signature and exhibit his calligraphic skills?

A) Madhuban and Banskhera
B) Madhuban and Prayag
C) Prayag and Banskhera
D) Prayag and Nagananda

Ans: A) Madhuban and Banskhera

  1. Who was the author of Parvatiparinay?

A) Banabhatta
B) Mayura
C) Bhartrihari
D) Matanga Divakara

Ans: A) Banabhatta

According to Banabhatta, Harshavardhana was also an accomplished flute player.

  1. Which of the following was a renowned grammarian at Harsha’s court?

A) Banabhatta
B) Mayura
C) Bhartrihari
D) Matanga Divakara

Answer: C

  1. Which of the following was a large monastery established by Harsha?

A) Nalanda
B) Vikramashila
C) Taxila
D) Valabhi

Answer: A

  1. Which of the following was the name of the Chinese emperor who sent three embassies to Harsha’s court?

A) T’ang
B) Ming
C) Song
D) Yuan

Answer: A

  1. Which of the following was the name of the Chinese envoy who came to India in 647 CE after Harsha’s death?

A) Wang-hiuen-tse
B) Fa-hien
C) Hiuen-tsang
D) Yijing

Answer: A

  1. What is the name of the romantic comedy drama written by Harsha?

A) Nagananda
B) Priyadarshika
C) Madhuban
D) Vakapadiya

Answer: B

  1. What is the name of the work on grammar written by Harsha?

A) Harshacharita
B) Mayurashataka
C) Parvatiparinay
D) None of the above

Answer: D

  1. Which of the following writers at Harsha’s court wrote a work on mathematics?

A) Banabhatta
B) Mayura
C) Bhartrihari
D) Matanga Divakara

Answer: D

  1. Which of the following was an instrument that Harsha was skilled at playing according to Banabhatta?

A) Flute
B) Veena
C) Mridangam
D) Sitar

Answer: A

  1. Which of the following was a Buddhist text that Harsha donated to the Nalanda monastery?

A) Ratnakuta Sutra
B) Lotus Sutra
C) Diamond Sutra
D) Heart Sutra

Answer: A

  1. During the time of Harsha who served as the head of the Nalanda University?


Ans: Shilbhadra

  1. Which of the following was a Buddhist text that Harsha donated to the Nalanda monastery?

A) Ratnakuta Sutra
B) Lotus Sutra
C) Diamond Sutra
D) Heart Sutra

Ans: A) Ratnakuta Sutra

  1. What is the name of the king who issued the Nausasi copper plate inscription?

A) Harsha
B) Dhruvasena II
C) T’ang
D) Durvinita

Ans: A) Harsha

  1. What is the name of the ruler of Vallabhi who accepted Harsha’s suzerainty according to the Nausasi copper plate inscription?

A) Harsha
B) Dhruvasena II
C) T’ang
D) Durvinita

Ans: B) Dhruvasena II

  1. What is the name of the kingdom that Harsha conquered according to the Nausasi copper plate inscription?

A) Vallabhi
B) Nalanda
C) Taxila
D) Kalachala

Ans: A) Vallabhi

  1. What is the name of the dynasty that Prabhakaravardhan founded?

A) Pushyabhuti
B) Pallava
C) Chalukya
D) Gupta

Answer: A

  1. What is the title that Prabhakaravardhan assumed?

A) Paramabhattaraka
B) Maharajadhiraja
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

Answer: C

  1. What is the name of the work that mentions Prabhakaravardhan as Pratapshila?

A) Harshacharita
B) Nagananda
C) Ratnavali
D) Priyadarshika

Answer: A

  1. Who was the son of Prabhakaravardhan and the most famous ruler of the Pushyabhuti dynasty?

A) Harsha
B) Rajyavardhan
C) Dhruvasena
D) Durvinita

Ans: A

  1. Who was the court poet of Harsha who wrote Harshacharita and Kadambari?

A) Banabhatta
B) Mayura
C) Bhartrihari
D) Matanga Divakara

Answer: A

  1. What was the name of the capital city of Harsha after he moved it from Thanesar?

A) Kannauj
B) Badami
C) Nalanda
D) Prayag

Answer: A

  1. Which of the following regions did Harsha conquer during his long campaign?

A) The Punjab, Eastern Rajasthan and the Ganga valley
B) The Deccan, Gujarat and the Narmada valley
C) The Bengal, Bihar and the Brahmaputra valley
D) The Kashmir, Malwa and the Sindhu valley

Answer: A

  1. Which of the following rivers marked the southern limit of Harsha’s empire?

A) Narmada
B) Godavari
C) Krishna
D) Kaveri

Answer: A

Administration under Harshavardhana

  1. How did Harsha personally look into the affairs of the state?

A) By appointing efficient ministers
B) By constantly travelling into different parts of his empire
C) By issuing copper plate inscriptions
D) By holding religious assemblies

Answer: B

  1. How did Harsha’s administration differ from the Gupta administration?

A) Harsha’s administration was more feudal and decentralised
B) Harsha’s administration was more centralised and autocratic
C) Harsha’s administration was more democratic and participatory
D) Harsha’s administration was more bureaucratic and hierarchical

Answer: A

  1. What was the name of the council of ministers that assisted Harsha?

A) Sachiv or Amatya
B) Mahasandhivigradhikrita or Mahabaladhikrita
C) Pratihara or Mahapratihara
D) Kumaramatya or Ayuktaka

Answer: A

  1. What was the title of the minister of war and peace in Harsha’s administration?

A) Sachiv or Amatya
B) Mahasandhivigradhikrita or Mahabaladhikrita
C) Pratihara or Mahapratihara
D) Kumaramatya or Ayuktaka

Answer: B

  1. What was the title of the officer in supreme command in the area in Harsha’s administration?

A) Sachiv or Amatya
B) Mahasandhivigradhikrita or Mahabaladhikrita
C) Pratihara or Mahapratihara
D) Kumaramatya or Ayuktaka

Answer: B

  1. Who among the following rulers held a religious assembly at Prayag every five years for donating gifts to people?

Chandragupta Vikramaditya

Ans: Harshavardhana

  1. What was the name of the religious assembly that Harsha held at Prayag every five years?

A) Mahamoksha Parishad
B) Mahasangha Parishad
C) Mahabodhi Parishad
D) Mahavira Parishad

Ans: A) Mahamoksha Parishad

  1. Who was the Minister of War and Peace during Harsha’s reign?

A) Mahabaladhikrita
B) Mahasandhivigradhikrita
C) Mahaprajapati
D) yamacetis

Ans: B) Mahasandhivigradhikrita

  1. Who held the position of Officer in Supreme Command in the area under Harsha?

A) Mahasandhivigradhikrita
B) Mahabaladhikrita
C) Mahaprajapati
D) yamacetis

Ans: B) Mahabaladhikrita

  1. Who was the foreign secretary in Harsha’s administration?

A) Rajasthaniya
B) Yamacetis
C) Pathi
D) Mahasandhivigrahika

Ans: A) Rajasthaniya

  1. Who was the Watcher of Royal harem in Harsha’s administration?

A) Rajasthaniya
B) Yamacetis
C) Pathi
D) Mahasandhivigrahika

Ans: B) Yamacetis

superintendent of soldiers barrack was called pathi.

  1. According to Hiuen-Tsang, what was the proportion of the revenues allocated for the expenditure of the king?

A) One fourth
B) One third
C) One half
D) One sixth

Ans: A) One fourth

  1. According to Hiuen-Tsang, what was the first part of Harsha’s revenues used for?

A) Scholars
B) Officials and public servants
C) Religious purposes
D) Expenditure of the King

Answer: D

  1. What was the feudal practice that seems to have begun under Harsha?

A) Rewarding and paying officers with grants of land
B) Endowing ministers and high rank officers with land
C) Dividing the revenues into four parts
D) Both A and B

Answer: D

  1. What was the fourth part of Harsha’s revenues used for?

A) Scholars
B) Officials and public servants
C) Religious purposes
D) Expenditure of the King

Answer: C

The Chinese pilgrim Hiuen-Tsang informs us that the revenues of Harsha were divided into four parts
(i) One part was earmarked for the expenditure of the King.
(ii) Second for scholars.
(iii) Third for the endowment of officials and public servants.
(iv) Fourth for religious purposes.
Ministers and high rank officers of the state were endowed with land. The feudal practice of rewarding and paying officers with grants of land seems to have begun under Harsha.

  1. With reference to Ancient Indian history, the term ‘Skandhavaras’ means:

Wandering monks and bhikshus
Military camps
Aboriginal tribes living on mountains
Vedic priests

Ans: Military camps

  1. What was the name of the Chinese pilgrim who visited the empire of Harsha?

A) Fa-Hien
B) Hiuen-Tsang
C) Xuanzang
D) Yijing

Answer: B

  1. What was the punishment for robbery according to the laws of Harsha?

A) Death penalty
B) Imprisonment
C) Amputation of the right hand
D) Flogging

Answer: C

  1. How many times did Hiuen-Tsang report that he was robbed of his belongings?

A) Once
B) Twice
C) Several times
D) Never

Ans: C) Several times

  1. What was the name of the officer who was the chief of all the villages in the empire of Harsha?

A) Sarva-palli-patti
B) Vanapala
C) Mahasamanta
D) Mahasenapati

Answer: A

  1. How many Buddhist sects did Hsuan Tsang mention in his account of India?

A) Eight
B) Ten
C) Sixteen
D) Eighteen

Answer: D

  1. How many villages supported the Nalanda monastery according to Yijing/I-Tsing?

A) 100
B) 150
C) 200
D) 250

Ans: C

  1. When did Hiuen-Tsang leave China to travel to India?

A) 619 AD
B) 629 AD
C) 639 AD
D) 649 AD

Answer: B

  1. What were the three popular religions of India according to Hiuen-Tsang?

A) Brahmanism, Buddhism and Jainism
B) Brahmanism, Buddhism and Sikhism
C) Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Christianity
D) Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism

Answer: A

  1. Which two cities in the doab had become important during the reign of Harsha?

A) Delhi and Agra
B) Mathura and Varanasi
C) Prayag and Kannauj
D) Patna and Gaya

Ans: C) Prayag and Kannauj

Mayura (author of Mayurashataka), renroned grammarian Bhartrihari (author of Vakapadiya), and Matanga Divakara were the accomplished writers at his court

  1. Which famous saint poet from Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh wrote ‘Niti Shatakam’ and ‘Vairagya Shatakam’?


Ans: Bhartruhar

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